Here's to a brighter 2021!

Dear all of you,

I wanted to start by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for all the support, friendship and loyalty that I have experienced this past year.

As we all know, 2020 turned out to be a very challenging year on so many levels. Many people are struggling and way to many have lost their lives or someone close to them. It’s sometimes hard to look forward, past this tragedy that has affected all of us. But at the same time, we need to stay together to support each other and make the best of every day. We have learned more than ever, not to take anything for granted.

 As a quick recap of 2020 - It started off, as every new year, with high goals and lots of enthusiasm! In the beginning of the year I got a new, very exciting addition to my string of horses. Dzeko! I had been looking for a while for my next Grand Prix horse, someone who could fill the shoes of my last one, Marron. Those were big shoes to fill but thanks to my dear friend Cory Walkey and Robin Cathey a new partnership was created and made this possible.

For what it looked like in the very beginning of the year, this was great timing for my new horse to arrive in the US, to make it just in time for the new show season to start. Sadly this all changed due to the Covid-19, and the well planned show schedule was shortly after set on hold for everyone. On the positive note, I was able to really get to know my new horse and focus on building a strong relationship.

This year has now started off with even higher goals and even more enthusiasm!

My other horse, Chrevi’s Ramour aka Ram, is also developing very nicely. I took him out in the CDI Small tour, as we were able to get out into the showring a few times this fall. We are working on and focusing on making it up to the Grand Prix level but in the meantime I’m proud to announce that he was awarded 5th place in the Nation as “Dressage Horse of the Year End Award” in Intermediate 1!

 So while at home, with most clinics and events canceled due to the pandemic, I have been busy with a very nice group of clients and horses in my training program at Arroyo Del Mar, where I’m based.

I really enjoy teaching but as much I love my clients, I’m still in this for the competitions and the development of my own horses and riding. For me, teaching and riding goes hand in hand and the more inspired I am the more I can give to my students.

As for so many of us on the west coast, the big shows with very large number of riders, will still be in Wellington, Florida. I’m very excited to say that this year, I am on that list as I will be in Wellington for a few month starting right in the beginning of the year.

Dzeko and Ram will both be going and will be accompanied by a client’s horse from San Diego. In Florida I will be training with my longtime coach Debbie McDonald, that I haven’t had a chance to ride with in a long time.

This year, the winter circuit in Wellington will certainly be different from past years with lots of spectator, vendors etc. We all have to do our best to make sure we can manage this safely so that we get a chance to go down that centerline again!

 So wherever you are in the world, stay safe and healthy and keep working towards your goals.

I hope I will see many more of you in person soon!


All the best,

