2018, off to a great start!


2018 started off in an exciting, fun and inspiring way!

The first CDI for the year here in California took place at Galway Downs, with Scott Hayes and his super team, putting tons of work and effort into it to make it a great show! It was a winner, and both Anna and I did great! We competed both in the CDI, and in the National classes with our young horses! Great footing, a super helpful Team working the show from all angels! It was a success!!!

It's a lot going on; Show season has started, much to choose from!

I have started clinics locally, and the first one out of state will be in Utah. Then the big Expo in Topeka, Kansas where I will be one of the presenters

There will aslo be a FEI Trainers clinic down in Del Mar between all my clinics! I'm looking forward to the Trainers symposium; so much to learn, nice to spend time with all the other trainers, and Joe Hinneman as a clinician has so much to give! So much fun!! All this in February…Even more in March!

Anna and I are looking and hoping to find a good barn to start the business again. Keep us in mind if you know of anything!!

Until the next time... Ride well, enjoy!!!

2017 Coming To An End

How is it possible that 2017 is coming to an end?! Is it only me that feels that way?

It was a very interesting, exciting, and different year for me! So much happened and everything went so fast!

In the beginning of the year I thought that I wasn't going to show that much on the GP level with Marron! Sure…in May I was on my way to the National Finals in Gladstone, NJ.

Marron and I ended up 5th overall, and that gave me a ticket to represent The United States in The Nations Cup in Denmark!

So instead of flying back home to LA I flew to Europe! Then I was selected a second time to be on the Nations Cup team, this time in Falsterbo, Sweden. Both shows were a great experience! I had great American team mates and it was fun to represent the US. It was also very inspiring to ride and train with so many super good riders!

That whole journey took me to Montreal, Canada, where I stayed for 3 months! The plan was to continue to Wellington, FL, for the winter season but plans were changed and I took my dogs and horses and went back home to California.

Life is good! I'm riding in the first CDI of the year, the first week of January in Temecula at Galway Downs. Marron is doing the CDI-W/3* Grand Prix, and the GPS. Ram is doing 4th level and Fuego is going out for the first time showing in First level!

It's exciting to show again. Except for the show in December with Marron, a couple of weeks ago, I have not been in the show ring since June.

I'm back to teaching and are doing clinics, so eventually I will start up my training business again!

This will be an exciting 2018 with so much going on! I will try to keep you posted!

I wish you all a safe, healthy, and happy 2018! All the best of luck in whatever you are showing or doing! Don't forget to be nice to people on your way up - because you will meet them on your way down! Humble and kind!!


Happy New Year!

I'm Home!

Sometimes it must be hard to know where I am and what I'm doing, but one thing is for sure - I'm here and I'm so Happy!


After my time in Montreal, Canada, it was time to leave for Wellington Nov 1st! I was at the fork in the road - Wellington, FL or Los Angeles, CA - due to a few things that didn't work out and I'm sure I took the right turn!

Some people are not who you think they are, but coming home to friends and colleagues and knowing my surroundings makes me feel I'm home for sure!!!

There are so many great people, riders, equestrians of all kinds, like my blacksmith Robbie Cozart, who took care of problems I got during my travels right away!

I learned a lot about life and people and there is nothing any longer that will make me not know what to do!

Life is a journey and an adventure and I always wanted it to be that way! There is still wind under my wings so I will continue to fly!

I will get back to work, and if you would like some help and/ or have a clinic, just let me know!

Email: mrosencrantz@hotmail.com or (310) 629-2279.

I'm also looking for a personal groom to my 3 own horses!

All the best to All of you! Thank's for your support and friendship!



Not sure where I left off, but here I am.

It's already October, fall is here and the stable outside Montreal is beautiful!

It's about 50 degrees in the am. (+11 C), blue sky, crisp air, and the sun are rising between trees in all imaginable colors. I always loved the seasons and fall is my favorite when it is like this!!!

I have been here since the beginning of August, working as a private trainer for a nice lady, with great horses and a beautiful facility. I have my own three horses here as well and of course my two little dogs; Pebbles and Squiggles.

The dogs cannot believe that they are loose all day long. Very busy hunting, searching and discovering what's in the bushes or behind the barn! They are finally dogs, the way I want a dog to live! They are two really happy and lucky dogs!!!

It has been a huge change to come here and to leave my friends, clients and daily life behind! It all went so fast, that It's hard to grasp what I did during 2017 and how I ended up in Canada!!

It's hard when you don't know anyone, don't find your way and are used to a life in LA with daily routines. Maybe it's easier when you are younger..but!

I have not been to any shows since I came here but I'm happy that Marron is sound and working again. I hope he will be coming out in GP again next year. Unfortunately, he is getting older and like it is for all of us, sometimes your body doesn't “bounce” as much as it did when you were younger!? Ramour aka Ram will hopefully start out in PSG in the beginning of the season and if all goes well Int. I at the end. He is doing great and is very fun to work with. Fuego is working just a level below, hoping that he will be ready when it's time!

I'm honored to be the presenter/clinician at the Mane Event Expo in BC at the end of October. It's a big event and I'm looking forward to being there and to be talking about dressage.

As of now, I'm not sure if I will go to Florida or go back to Los Angeles. There are many reasons for both decisions and I will make that in a couple of days.

Anna and I will try to do better and keep you all more updated…It's hard when the "snow ball" is rolling to fast!

All the best to all of you! Stay safe, ride well!

Collage from Uggerhalne, Denmark, CDIO4* Nations Cup

It was a long and exciting trip to go all the way from Gladstone, NY, to Uggerhalne in Denmark. I was with my horse 24/7 and now I know how much the horses has to go through to get from A to B when you travel overseas to the big shows. Luckily my horse Marron traveled really well and despite the long hours on the road he came out safe, sound and happy.

The showground in Uggerhalne was great! The people were fantastic, greeting us every morning at 7 am when we arrived. It was the first time they used this brand new facility for a big competition like this, they did an amazing job!

During the same week as Nations Cup in dressage, the Nations Cup in jumping was held. This brought lots of riders, horses and spectators which made the show even more fun! I meet so many good riders from the 12 different countries that were competing. At one point we were 18 (!) horses in the schooling arena at the same time.

To ride under the American flag with my teammates was both inspiring and fun. I was both happy and proud of my horse who behaved really well in this electric atmosphere. Everyone did well, the dressage team ended up 4th with only a few points to 2nd, it was very close..!

Now I'm looking forward to the next one - Onward and upward!

Once again a big thanks to my sponsors: Triple Crown, Platinum Performance, Custom Saddlery, Goode Rider, PS of Sweden, Mastermind, K9Horse, MCD Stirrups and Heritage gloves. At every show, every warm-up, every minute, every day, I'm using something that represents you and everyone is aware of it!